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Setting Up JobKeeper in your payroll software

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Setting Up JobKeeper in your payroll software

IMPORTANT:  Step by Step Guide to Setting up JobKeeper Payments in your payroll software

 Enrolments for the new “JobKeeper” wage subsidy opened yesterday.  There are a few eligibility requirements you may not know about, so lets take a moment to run through them here:

Before Setting up your payroll software

 Once these steps are done, you are now able to set up JobKeeper in your payroll system.

MYOB Accountright:  https://help.myob.com/wiki/display/ar/COVID-19+wage+subsidy+%28JobKeeper%29+payments

MYOB Essentials:  https://help.myob.com/wiki/display/ea/COVID-19+wage+subsidy+%28JobKeeper%29+payments

Xero:  https://central.xero.com/s/article/Set-up-or-update-JobKeeper-pay-items#Whatyouneedtoknow

Quickbooks Online:  https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-au/payroll-and-stp/set-up-and-manage-jobkeeper-payments/01/538522?sf232881051=1

For most, your on-going JobKeeper compliance will be reported through STP (Single Touch Payroll).  It is important to note that if you do not set up your payroll correctly as outlined in these links, your STP may be rejected.  The ATO will be cross-referencing your JobKeeper eligibility with STP, so any errors may deem you ineligible or hold up payments to you, so you can see it is really important to get it right from the outset.

For further instructions on setting up JobKeeper, we recommend contacting your software provider.

Albert Gigl